Solar Assisted Heat Pump Water Heaters are engineered to harness energy 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Unlike solar panels, thermodynamic panels can harvest energy from sunlight or from outdoor air.


What Is
Solar Assisted Hot Water?

A solar assisted heat pump water heater (SA-HPWH) is an ultra efficient, ‘all electric’ water heater that harvests heat energy from the outdoors.

These units use a small, light weight, Aluminum panel attached to an outside wall to gather energy from the sun and from the ambient air to heat hot water. The technology is not new (there are 10’s of thousands in Europe and Australia), but the Smart Solar Gen II SAHP water heater has been adapted to accommodate both the colder weather and the larger household hot water usage in North America.

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For the Next Generation of Renewable Energy

State Incentives


Federal Tax Credit

How Does It Work?

SA-HPWHs are engineered to harness energy 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

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No Fans Or Drains Needed

Evaporator panel is mounted outside so no fans, filters, or drains are necessary thus reducing maintenance, and noise level.

Reduced Electricity Use

Using renewable energy to reduce electric consumption by 1/2 or 2/3 or (as compared to common electric resistance water heaters.)

Interior Temperature is Not Affected

Unlike common ‘hybrid’ water heaters, heat is harvested from the exterior, so there is no need for heated interior air from which to “steal” heat.


SA-HPWHs qualify for a 30% Federal TAX CREDIT and and $1,500 REBATE programs, yielding a net cost below common heat pump water heaters.

Contact Us for An Estimate

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(781) 536-3029

1000 Turnpike Street
Canton, MA 02021

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